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Departure place: Buena Vista

River: Arkansas River

Departure time: 9:30 am

Approximate trip time: 6 hours

Minimum Age: 6

Base price: $150 for adults and $150 for children age 12 and under, includes riverside lunch!

Notable rapids: Pinball, Zoom Flume, and Widowmaker.

Class of rapids: class III

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Hold on tight as you surf the rapids on one of the world’s most popular whitewater rafting trips!

Families and individuals will love the unbelievable Rocky Mountain scenery they’ll experience on this Browns Canyon National Monument rafting trip.

Our signature Arkansas River rafting adventure offers the perfect mix of Colorado whitewater and calm water as well as a riverside lunch at one of the many great camping spots in the canyon.

Cool Fact: Browns Canyon earned its National Monument status in 2015, bringing the total to eight statewide. The canyon features granite cliffs, colorful rock outcroppings, and drastic elevation changes ranging from 7,300 to 10,000 feet.

*Check-in is required 30 minutes prior to departure time.

**Wetsuits, booties, and splash tops are  included on this trip.